Consultancy & Onsite Support Services
Experience is the key to success
This page has been compiled to give an insight into the Capabilities of Alpha Marine Services. The category heading’s, which appear in this website, are meant for general guidance only and should not in any way be regarded as exhaustive or definitive of the quality services that we are able to provide.

Supply Diving Consultancy/Technical Authority services for on and offshore diving projects to ensure full compliance on behalf of the clients who contract diving services and require said expertise.
On and Offshore/Diving Project Management, IOGP 431 Diving Client Representatives & Diving Systems IMCA D023 Auditors
All our personnel are fully qualified in commercial diving from saturation to air/nitrox diving offshore and onshore and are from an extensive commercial diving background with many years’ experience and qualifications to cover such operations and are trained to a minimum standard from IMCA/AODC and or IOGP and who can demonstrate a career in diving and show hands on and management capabilities.
On and offshore Managers and Worksite Client Representative plus Dive system auditors services are invaluable to clients who engage contracts for diving services. This allows total piece of mind that the client has “eyes and ears on site”. The site representative will ensure the contract is carried out to the best standards and practises and follows all approved methodologies and risks offshore and engages with the contractor as required to ensure efficiency and maximum performance and they follow the ALARP principles. Lastly all personnel and equipment is as per the correct standard to cover such operations being undertaken.
All of our personnel have been attended the IOGP 431 Worksite Diving Client Representation course and IOGP competency assessed which is a recognised offshore standard to cover diving operations as a Client Representative and IMCA Dive system auditors.

Supply of On and Offshore Management services and Marine UXO Client Representatives/We also offer Maritime EOD Supervisors/Divers.
All our personnel are fully qualified in UXO and are from a military background and have extensive knowledge of UXO/EOD and are trained to a high standard from The UK Joint services International EOD school from basic, intermediate to advanced and are full members of the Institute of Explosive Engineers (MIExpE), and who can demonstrate a career in UXO/EOD and show hands on and management capabilities.
Alpha Marine Services Ltd would recommend any potential UXO risk should be considered in the early stages of any project prior to any construction activities require within the project site. By gaining knowledge of the area from historical data as to whether there is a potential threat from UXO, our clients benefit from the knowledge they have the correct and qualified personnel on site to ensure as best practices as to the ALARP principles the treat are neutralised to allow construction to go ahead as planned.
Due to unpredictable environmental impacts such as weather and tides, there are other factors to be considered when predicting a possible encounter with UXO during works. Once these varying factors have been addressed, a more comprehensive picture is built up which identifies the actual risk UXO may pose to proposed work sites.
Alpha Marine Services Ltd assess and addresses UXO concerns within the maritime environment and has worked with numerous clients over numerous years providing support and guidance to ensure that UXO risk is mitigated to an acceptable level.

Subsea/Marine scopes
Supply of On and Offshore Management and Accredited Offshore Client Representation, Marine Warranty Surveyor Services
All our personnel are fully assessed by our in house experts that they have a minimum standard of knowledge and or qualifications of the offshore industry to ensure they understand the scope of work they have been approved to “oversee” offshore on behalf of the client and that they are from a background, in Offshore Wind/Oil &Gas subsea projects as to all things subsea: boulder clearance, mattress laying, cable installations, cable burial, rock dumping, SURF projects, marine, ROV work scopes, MBES/TSS survey etc. who can demonstrate a career in offshore and show hands on and management capabilities.