Shallow Water Trencher
The shallow water trencher is designed to bury subsea telecommunication cables, power cables and pipelines from 12.5mm up to 200 mm diameter. The trencher is designed to provide cable burial in sands, silts and soft clays in water depths from 0m up to 30m. Burial speed is between 150-300m per hour soil dependent. The trencher is self-propelled by the resultant jet reaction force of the water jets mounted on the frame and jetting share. Self-propulsion is effective in sands and clay with smooth seabed. Diver intervention is required during the launch and recovery of the system to detach/re-attach the lift bridle and to ensure that the tool is centred over the asset before trenching commences. Once on the asset with the tool swords lowered, the machine can be monitored by the surface control system, and the diver can return to the vessel.

Project Management
The provision of project management, project engineering, and planning services in relation to subsea cables and other subsea infrastructure forms Alpha Marine Services core business.

To ensure highest standards of quality, safety and environmental awareness we operate Integrated Management Sytems.

For any project requirements as to direct hire of the equipment and or hire operate as to on site operations we can accommodate both options. Please contact for any quotations on the contact numbers/emails within this website.

Growing to meet demand
Alpha Marine and its partners are delivering projects to meet demand and hope you will find this new introduction of the Shallow Water Trencher useful in any ongoing or future shallow water burial projects.